Tuesday, January 26, 2010

It has been a while!

It has been way too long since I have put anything on here! My intention was to update this thing every week, but you see how well that has been going! I have barely been able to function. I am going to work, coming home, eating dinner, showering, and going to bed. It is really hard to do a lot of other things when you just feel so exhausted! Luckily tired is really all that I have felt. I was feeling nauseous every now and then if I had gone a few hours without eating. That is pretty much gone now. I have only actually gotten sick once. I think that was just stress from working a lot of overtime that week. I figured with three babies I would be praying to the porcelain god a lot! I really have been lucky! I haven’t even updated since my last appointment! I had one on January 14th. Everything went great! We got to see the babies again. They all measured great. Baby A measured right at 12 weeks 0 days, Baby B was 12 weeks 2 days, and Baby C was 12 weeks 3 days. I was 12 weeks exactly at the appointment so baby B and C are actually ahead of schedule, which is great. Here are the little pea pods!
This is the top of baby A and C's heads and baby B's abdomen!

I was told for the next four weeks that I need to have fun! Alex and I need to go out on dates and just have fun together. The doctor said next time that I got back that she is going to put me on a work bed rest. I am allowed to go to work but once I get home, I need to just relax. I have been doing that a lot lately so it really isn’t going to change much. She told us that our first goal was for me to make it to 24 weeks. At 24 weeks the babies are able to survive outside the wound but it will be extra tough. 28 weeks is another huge goal. By then things will be a lot easier with their development. 32 is the BIGGEST goal. Then they will spend some time in the NICU but everything should be fine. I am hoping that I can make it to 35 weeks. I guess we will just have to see. I am going to do everything I can to keep these babies in me for as long as possible! I just want to be able to give them the best health that I can. The doctor also told me to be aware that at any doctors appointment that I go to I can be sent over to the hospital. She wasn’t saying it to scare me she just wanted me to be prepared that at anytime I could be put on hospital bed rest. She also said there is a good change that I could be working and active up until the day I deliver. There are so many different situations with triplets that it is hard to tell which way I will go!

I have not done any shopping yet. I can’t believe that I have not bought a single thing! I am just waiting to find out the genders before I go crazy. I do have an exciting purchase in line though! My mom works with someone that’s niece had triplets. She had contacted my mom to see if we would be interested in buying her car seats and stroller. I am so excited about them. We got a really great deal on these! I think this will be the most convenient way to stroll them around too! I won’t have to unbuckle them from their car seats and then buckle all of them back up into a stroller. The car seats just snap right into the stroller base. I have always been set on getting pink car seats and strollers for the girls and blue for the boys but now I just think this will be much easier. I won’t have to worry who goes in which one! I am really excited about it! Here is a picture.

I also just want to thank everyone for their support! We have gotten lots of calls, cards, and emails and they mean a lot to us! I am sorry to anyone that I neglect to call back!There are lots of calls just making sure that everything is going well and because I have been so tired I just haven’t gotten around to calling everyone back. We are so thankful to have such loving family and friends that care so much about us especially mine and Alex’s parents. I am not sure how we would be getting through this without them! My next doctor’s appointment is February 12th. We are having another ultrasound. I will be 16 weeks. They may be able to tell us the genders. It just depends on if they can get the babies in the correct position. I can’t wait to see them again! I will update again when we go back!


  1. You guys are in my prayers! I love the new stroller! I look forward to reading more about your journey!

  2. The stroller is great!!! We all love you guys and are here if you ever need us. So excited for the both of you.
