Wednesday, November 14, 2012

3 years ago....

Three years ago today on 11/14/09 I saw the word "Pregnant" pop up on probably the 100th pregnancy test I had taken in 16 months. I remember looking in the mirror with my mouth wide open and tears just pouring down my eyes. It was a Saturday and Alex had to work. I took the test while he was at work. I had taken so many before, so he was never there with me when I took them. He always got on the computer when he got home so I set up a screen saver on his computer that said "You're Going to Be a Daddy". I think waiting for him to get home was the longest 4 hours of my life. He was so excited! I couldn't wait to tell our parents. I think they were all just excited as we were! It was such an awesome day! We found out at my 8 week appointment that we were having triplets. I will be completely honest and tell everyone, I was not excited. I remember crying and crying. It was hard to get through the next few days! I wanted a baby for so long but THREE! Alex and I took turns having breakdowns. One day I was optimistic and told him we would get through it and the next day I would be a mess and he would say everything will work out. I wish I could go back in time and know through my pregnancy that everything has turned out the way it has. I tried to stay calm but my head was constantly spinning. I felt like I had very little time to be excited about being pregnant. Right away my mind was racing! How will we be able to do this? What if somethings goes wrong, what if I go into very premature labor, what if something happens to me and Alex has three babies to take care of on his own, will my work give me more than 12 weeks of leave, how will we take care of three babies at once, how will we afford 3 babies, where will we live, what will we drive, will I go back to work, if I do how will i find a daycare that will take all three and not break us, what stuff do I just need one of and what stuff do I need three of? We weren't prepared and nothing we could do would prepare us. I worried every single second of the day, from the time I found out there were three. For some of you that may not know, I was put on hospital bed rest at 27 weeks and stayed in the hospital until they were born at 35 weeks. They were all extremely healthy and actually came home from the hospital with me. I wish I could go back and know that this is how everything would be. I wish my pregnancy consisted of more happy days than sad days. But I can't go back now, and I can't believe they are 2 and half already. I know that as time goes by I will start to forget the cute things they say or how fun (or awful) one of my many project ideas turned out. I know some people may care about our journey and others get tired of hearing about it, so I am starting up this blog again for you all to hear my stories only if you wish! Beware, blogs will come with many pictures and videos! I will post a link on my facebook if I make a new entry. Hope to post more soon!

I needed to stop by the grocery tonight, so I decided to take the kids along and go out to Chik Fil A for dinner! It was their first Chik Fil A trip and I think this is the first time we have ever taken them out for an after work week night dinner! We hardly ever make a group trip to the grocery, so tonight was definitely an adventure!

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