Thursday, November 15, 2012

The Day My Life Changed

I will probably blog a lot the first couple weeks, because I want to go back and write about some of the big milestones we have gone through so far. Most of this is just more for me to look back on!

For some reason on Wednesday June 23, 2010 I went to bed really early. I was super tired and what else is there to do in a hospital? Because I went to bed so early I woke up around 5:30am. I watched TV, which I did all day everyday, until they brought my breakfast. Just like the previous 52 days, I ate sausage, and biscuits and gravy for breakfast around 8:00. I think this may be the only thing that I miss! The biscuits and gravy were awesome! Every Thursday morning, I would have an ultrasound to make sure everything was okay. Even though I loved getting to see my babies, these were pretty hard to get through. At this point it was pretty impossible for me to lay on my back. I guess from all the pressure. When I layed there for longer than a couple minutes, I would get really dizzy and feel like I was going pass out. During the ultrasounds I had to pretty much lay on my back the whole time. They did extensive test on each baby. They made sure each baby was practicing breathing, measured them to see how much they weighed, and watched them to make sure that they kicked at least three times in 20 minutes. So this was always over an hour long process. I was 35 weeks to the day when I went in the ultrasound room on Thursday June 24. By the way, this wheel chair ride to the ultrasound room was the only time I was able to go outside of my room. It was my weekly stroll! It was about 8:30am when they wheeled me over and the same lady that I saw every week was there.  As she helped me out of my wheelchair onto the table, I said "Can you help me out this time." She kind of laughed. She would tell me every week, that she probably wouldn't see me the next week. I saw her 8 weeks in a row! At this point I had met my 35 week goal, and was pretty miserable. I used to love having my shower days but at this point standing in the shower was really getting bad. I had to start showering on nights Alex came to visit because I couldn't bend all the way over to put my pants on. I had felt all three babies kick and move around that morning but when she did my ultrasound Baby A (Connor) only kicked 2 times in the 20 minutes of allotted time. I had felt him all morning, so I wasn't extremely concerned, but they called the doctor in right away. They had said previously that by this point if I failed anything on of the ultrasound test, they would take the babies. Around 9:30am, the doctor came in and asked if I was ready to do this. It was baby day!

I called Alex right away and told him it was time and he left work right away. I got set up on the first IV that I have ever had. Once I got changed into my gown, it was just time to wait. Since I had eaten breakfast, they wanted to wait until around 4:00pm before I went into surgery. Here Alex and I are waiting in triage. I thought it would be a long wait but I feel like it went by really fast.
They came to get me right around 4:00pm. They asked if I wanted to walk or ride in a wheelchair, but since I hadn't walked much in weeks, I asked if I could walk. I was really nervous getting my epidural. I remember loud music being on in the room and tons of people standing around. There were so many people in the room. There were several students standing around watching and I feel like there were nurses everywhere! One of my high school friends works in respiratory at the hospital and she came in to work especially for me to help out with the babies! Alex was so grateful that she was there to talk to him while he was standing outside waiting to come in the OR. I felt like they were working on me forever before my little Connor came into the word. I heard the doctor say, Baby A 16:25 but I didn't hear anything else. It took a couple of seconds and here came the cries. I remember the doctor walking him over about 10 feet away just so I could see him and then he took him away. I have this picture forever in my mind. He looked so tiny. I looked at Alex and said I thought they said they were all 5lbs. He looked so much smaller than that. At 4:26pm little miss Alexis came into the world. He showed her to me just as he did Connor. (Her picture is less bloody, so here it is) This is how I got to see all three of my babies for the first time.

Little Miss Kaylee wasn't sure she was ready to make her debut. I remember feeling alot of pressure on my left side almost towards my back. Alex looked over the curtain and said the doctors hand was in my stomach all the way up to his elbow. She was tucked away nicely! She came into the word at 4:28pm. At first I wasn't sure if they had taken them straight to the NICU but Alex told me they were all still in the room. Everyone checked them over and got them cleaned up and they all got to spend quite a bit of time in the operating room with us. I think they stayed in there until I was ready to go to recovery. Here are a couple more pics from the OR. Alex has Connor and Alexis and I have Kaylee. This has to be the best moment in my life!!! You can just see the love in Alex's face! It is priceless.

This is one of my favorite pics. I love that I have this picture of them all lined up right after they were born. 

Connor Lee Uhling 4lbs 10oz 16.25 inches
Alexis Marie Uhling 4lbs 9oz 17 inches
Kaylee Jean Uhling 5lbs 1oz 18 inches
Everything was completely fine with all three babies but they wanted to take them to the NICU just for observation. I had to go to recovery. We made the decision way before hand that Alex was going to go with the babies. They had to go passed the waiting room to take the babies to the NICU, so everyone out waiting would be able to see them as they walked by. I heard it was quite the party out there!

Thanks to everyone that came out to support us! It really did mean a lot to us that you all shared this special day with us.
I wasn't able to get up out of bed to go to the NICU that night to go see them, but all I could remember was how cute they were! I got lots of pain medicine and Alex and the grandparents went to check on them several times. I remember the pain medicine making me extremely sleepy but I was too excited to sleep. They wanted to keep them in the NICU over night just for observation to make sure that they were okay through the night. Alex brought me back several pictures of them and he got to feed them. I couldn't wait to go see them the next day. It was such a surreal day. I still think about it now and can't believe that this all actually took place. I will never be able to describe how much love and anxiety I felt on this day. It was the day I became a Mommy!
I went down to the NICU the next morning and finally got to hold and feed them for the first time! I remember being so nervous and taking all the advice I could get from the NICU nurses. Later that day, they transferred them to the regular nursery, so they were able to stay in our room the remainder of the time. The only issue that we had was Kaylee keeping her temperature stable. (which at 2 and half still seems to be a bit of an issue lol) They weren't ready to release them so they let me stay in my room one more night, so we could all go home together. Kaylee's temp was fine the next day, so on Monday June 28, 2010. We brought the babies home! It was the start of this thing we call LIFE!

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